The Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana assures that the meal that the president had Carlos Mazon last October 29, day of the dana which devastated the province of Valencia, does not appear in the Transparency Portal because he attended in his capacity as president of the Valencian PP and “had no institutional character.”
This is stated in a parliamentary response, dated last December 20 and released this Thursday by the PSPV, to two questions from the socialist group on November 14.
Specifically, the Ombudsman PSPV, José Muñoz, and the deputy Alicia Andujar They inquired why it did not appear in the Transparency Portal no meeting with interest groups or any working lunch on October 29 by the regional president, nor by those who attended it.
It should be remembered that sources of the Generalitat They explained in the weeks following the dana we mazon shared that meal, held at the El Ventorro restaurant from Valencia, with the journalist Maribel Vilaplana to offer him the management of Valencian public radio and television À Punt, something she declined according to sources close to the communicator.
In response, the regional secretary for Institutional Relations and Transparency, Santiago Lumbreras, states that "the lunch referred to was held by the president of the Generalitat in his capacity as president of the regional PP."
"It was not of an institutional nature and no representatives of interest groups participated in it, and the disclosure obligations provided for in current legislation were not applicable to them," he concludes.
Later, during a visit to Valencia South, when asked about the time and manner in which he will present the bill for the meal, mazon He has maintained that he will do so “in accordance with the regulations” and has assured that he has “no problem”.
“We are going to fulfill the transparency in a timely manner, as established by all the mechanisms. In addition, there are many of them. I have said that, in addition, there is no problem, even in the commission itself Les Corts Valencianes“He insisted.
He also stressed that "all public officials must be required to have the same transparency", including the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez; to the former vice president Teresa Ribera; to the Government delegate in the Community, Pilar Barnabas; or the president of the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation (CHJ), Miguel Polo, among others.
"I believe that transparency has to be for everyone and I, of course, will comply absolutely, because there is no other option. Not only because of the legal obligation to do so, which we have to do, because all parties transfer our accounts to the Court of Accounts, but also in advance, in the commission itself," he said.
Questioned about the possibility that he will not be “held accountable” until after the summer, in case the commission of inquiry in Les Corts do not convene until after those dates, mazon He has maintained that he is “permanently accountable.”
"I have already recounted many of the calls I made with the President of the Provincial Council and the Minister of Emergencies; we have said where we were. Another thing is what the opposition intends, which is what we are seeing, paying money on social networks to try to continue their hunt," he criticized.
He also reiterated that he will “fully comply.” “The times of Les Corts They mark them Les Corts, I don't set them. I can't really say much about that. What I can tell you is that transparency in our case has been and will continue to be evident. And I hope that everyone is. And I hope that everyone demands the same transparency from everyone else," he concluded.
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