Netanyahu halts truce, accuses Hamas of “creating a crisis at the last minute”


El prime minister of israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, accused this Thursday the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) of “creating a crisis at the last minute” by “retracting from explicit understandings” and has announced a postponement of the meeting that his Government was going to hold to ratify the ceasefire agreement for Gaza Strip agreed during the day on Wednesday.

"Hamas “He is reneging on understandings and creating a last-minute crisis that prevents an agreement,” his office said.Hamas is retracting explicit understandings that were agreed with the mediators and Israel, in an attempt at extortion at the last minute," he added, according to the Israeli newspaper 'The Jerusalem Post'.

Thus, he stressed that “Israel will not set a date for a meeting of the Government or the (security) cabinet until the mediators announce that Hamas has approved all the details of the agreement,” after the group announced on Wednesday that it had accepted the terms and without even Hamas nor the mediators —Qatar, Egypt y United States— have so far commented on the claims of Netanyahu.

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