Rules for comments on the Electomanía website


The comments that accompany the electomania entries are from free and unrestricted access, keeping the rules contained in this entry safe.

In this sense they are In principle all opinions are allowed and forms of expression, except those that may constitute a crime or that in some way contravene the legal system.

Given the volume of interventions that occur daily, the administration cannot review them all, nor detect all criminal or illegal conduct that occurs. It is the responsibility of the users to control these manifestations, as well as to communicate to the administration, if they deem it appropriate, any crimes, illegalities or inappropriate conduct that they detect.

We are governed by intervention principle minimum of the administration. The administration of will not be able to participate in the comments to manifest personal opinions, political or otherwise that affect its impartiality, and will only make technical or explanatory comments when necessary. If any administrator occasionally wishes to express opinions in a private capacity, he must do so. through personal accounts totally unrelated to the official ones. In this context, you will be prohibited from using any badge or privilege that relates you to the administration of the website.

The critics of users to the content or the line followed by the website are allowed, and they often constitute a source of stimulation and improvement in our work at the service of readers. Exceptions to this rule are the accusations against of disseminating manipulated data or content, as well as disseminating content in exchange for amounts of money, bribes or favored treatment of any kind.

Forum bans: When serious or repeated breaches of these rules occur, the accounts responsible will be expelled, without appeal, notice or debate.

La administration will decide the period that the expulsion of an account will last, which will entail the removal of its IPs and other distinctive signs. The usual period of removal will be several months, although temporary expulsions for a few hours or days may be decided, and other permanent ones in cases of extreme seriousness.

The Users will be able to report to the administration from inappropriate comments, using the following codes:

R1. Comments from criminal nature.

R2. Comments that imply blatant discrimination based on race, sex, religion or opinion.

R3. Insults or disparagement of other users, even if they are occasional.

R4. Insults to certain political parties, public leaders or political options, as long as they are habitual or constitute the only reason why a user comments on the website.

R5. Repeated dissemination of links to other websites to promote them (spam). This section It also includes the repeated use of comments to promote projections or studies of one's own creation by including links to websites or forms.. In that case, only one link of this type is allowed each week.

R4. Excess of interventions without any funds, unintelligible or absurd.

R5. Repetition of slogans of any type message after message, without providing other content, or repetition of negative evaluations to other commentators without sufficient time to read and evaluate the negatively rated comments.

R6. Opening numerous threads in short periods of time, monopolizing the conversations.

R7. Diffusion reiterated de news or data of proven falsehood.

R8. Comments in which, systematically, the Thematic has nothing to do with that of the corresponding articles or, at least, with the general one of the website.

R9. Users whose accounts replicate the logo and/or name of political parties or other organizations, if this gives rise to any type of confusion about its official nature.

R10. Accusation of to disseminate deliberately manipulated data or content, or to receive amounts of money, bribes or favored treatment of any kind.

R11. Other reasons that the administration considers appropriate, after warning the affected person.

Thank you all. With your help, we make the reference website in the political debate in Spain.

Your opinion

There are some standards to comment If they are not met, they will lead to immediate and permanent expulsion from the website.

EM is not responsible for the opinions of its users.

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