Junts wants Puigdemont, Villarejo and Rajoy to appear in Congress for the 17A attacks


Junts wants the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, retired police commissioner José Manuel Villarejo and the former president of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, among others, appear before the Congressional commission charged with investigating the jihadist attacks that took place in Barcelona and Cambrils (Tarragona) in August 2017.

This is stated in the list registered in the Lower House by Puigdemont's party one day before the commission of inquiry meets to approve the list of people who will be summoned to appear.

Furthermore, according to this document, to which Europa Press has had access, among the 31 people that Junts wants to call are also the former director of the National Intelligence Centre (CNI) Félix Sanz Roldán, the investigating judge of the case in the National Court Fernando Andreu, and the former vice-president of the Government Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, in addition to several police officers and the Mossos d'Esquadra.


ERC has also presented its own list, which includes, in addition to Rajoy and Villarejo, the former President of the Government José María Aznar; the former president of the PP Pablo Casado and the current leader of the 'popular' Alberto Núñez Feijóo; together with the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, among others.

For its part, the PSOE proposes eight names, including former Interior Minister José Ignacio Zoido, who was in office when the attacks took place, and former Secretary of State for Security José Antonio Nieto, both also requested by ERC and Junts.

Socialist sources have confirmed to Europa Press that they are continuing to negotiate with their usual parliamentary partners so that the commission can approve on Tuesday a consensus list with the first speakers who must appear before this body.

The list registered by the socialists also includes José Luis Olivera Serrano, director of CITCO between 2015 and 2018, whose questioning is also of interest to the two Catalan pro-independence parties.

The list of names of the socialists is completed by Enrique Barón Castaño, general commissioner of Information between 2012 and 2017; Sebastián Trapote, chief of police in Catalonia and Ángel Gonzalo Martín, head of the VII Zone of the Civil Guard in Catalonia between 2011 and 2018, in addition to two former members of the Elcano Institute.

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