Podemos finds it “implausible” that Ábalos’ behaviour in the ‘Koldo case’ was unknown to the PSOE


Podemos has expressed its concern about the evolution of the 'Koldo case' and considers “implausible” the hypothesis that the conduct of the former Minister of Transport José Luis Ábalos, who was a person of “maximum confidence” of President Pedro Sánchez, “was unknown to the rest of the party”.

He also stressed that they will closely follow the development of this case, will even study the possibility of promoting possible appropriate measures in relation to this case and will demand that "all responsibilities be established."

Sources from the purple party tell Europa Press that the latest developments in this case point to the “seriousness and extent of the plot”, which they associate with “one more example of the corruption with which the two-party system profited for decades”.


Furthermore, they have denounced that both PSOE and PP have “repeatedly” used the institutions for their “enrichment and that of those around them, even unscrupulously taking advantage of a pandemic.” “The corruption of the Socialists and the Popular Party follows the same pattern, whether its beneficiaries are called José Luis Ábalos or Isabel Díaz Ayuso,” Podemos has said.

And in view of the content of the report prepared by the Central Operative Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard, Podemos states that it finds “implausible the hypothesis that Ábalos, then a person of utmost confidence of Sánchez and Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, acted alone”, that “his actions were unknown to the rest of the party or that he was the only alleged beneficiary of the plot”.

On the other hand, he has emphasized that corruption “is not the result of a few bad apples”, but the “logic applied by those parties that think that the institutions are theirs when they govern and that the objective of governing is personal benefit.”

They have finally proclaimed that the purple party burst into politics precisely because of "citizens' weariness with the two-party system and its corrupt customs."

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