40db (30j) survey: half of LGTBIQ+ people have been attacked


A recent survey carried out by 40dB for Cadena SER and El País has revealed that one in two LGTBIQ+ people in Spain has been a victim of some type of aggression, discrimination or violence. The study highlights that more than a third of these attacks are verbal or discriminatory, while 13% have suffered sexual violence and 10% physical attacks.

Types of attacks suffered and witnessed:

  • Verbal attacks: 37% have suffered them and 39% have witnessed them.
  • Discrimination: 34% have been victims and 38% have been witnesses.
  • Physical attacks: 13% have suffered them and 18% have witnessed them.
  • sexual violence: 13% of the group has been a victim.

Public spaces and social networks are the most common scenarios for these attacks, representing 34% of cases. However, they also occur in the workplace or education (29%), in the family environment (24%) and in interactions with public services such as the police and health (20%).

Public Perception and Politics

The majority of Spaniards consider that the country is a reference in the defense of the rights of the LGTBIQ+ group. However, 33% believe that too much progress has been made in these rights, a predominant perception among voters of Vox and Alvise's new party. On the other hand, left-wing voters, such as PSOE, Sumar and Podemos, believe that progress must continue in this matter.

There is widespread support for equal rights between heterosexual and homosexual couples, such as equal marriage and adoption. However, 40% of those surveyed oppose public health covering gender transition processes.

Diversity of Opinions about Trans People

52% of Spaniards consider that a trans woman is a woman, while 32% disagree and 16% do not have a formed opinion. This issue shows a clear ideological division: the majority of Vox and Se Acabó la Fiesta voters do not consider trans women as women, while the left mostly does.

Tolerance and Coexistence

Two out of three Spaniards believe that society is tolerant of LGTBIQ+ people and nine out of ten consider themselves tolerant. However, young people of generation Z (18-26 years old) show greater resistance towards the group, with 30% who do not declare themselves tolerant, 34% who believe that sexual diversity threatens our customs and values, and a 44% calling for a heterosexual pride day. On the contrary, young women of the same generation are the most open and tolerant.

Pride and Visibility Celebrations

Less than half of Spaniards value the Pride celebrations positively (47%), while 35% do not comment and 13% value them negatively. 10% of those surveyed identify as part of the LGTBIQ+ group and the majority have revealed their orientation or identity to someone close to them, with friends and mothers being the first to know.

The survey also reveals that 5,2% of respondents identify as bisexual, 2,9% as gay, 1% as lesbian, 1% as queer, and 0,3% as trans or another identity. For the collective, the PSOE is the party that best defends its rights.


This study highlights both the progress and challenges faced by the LGTBIQ+ community in Spain. Although significant progress has been made in terms of rights and acceptance, important challenges remain, especially in terms of the violence and discrimination that many people in the group still suffer. 

Link to the survey here.

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