Vox will measure the pacts with the PP in the town halls with motions against the reception of migrants and does not rule out breaking


Vox has presented motions against immigration in town halls and regional parliaments with which they seek forcing the PP to “portray itself”, in a context in which Santiago Abascal's people do not rule out breaking up municipal coalition governments due to differences on this matter, as they already did with the regional executives.

The policies to curb the phenomenon of illegal immigration They are a fundamental part of the ideological body of Vox, which has not lowered its position since the breakup of the regional coalition governments following the PP's approval of the plan for the distribution of unaccompanied migrant minors.

In the recorded text, Vox asks “the immediate expulsion” of all illegal immigrants that are located in the municipal areas or that are “sent to Brussels”, where, in his opinion, are “the elites that encourage and promote their arrival”. “A clear message must be conveyed that Any immigrant who arrives illegally will never be able to regularize his situation in Spain“the motion states.

Also, that the plenary session of the city council reject the opening of immigrant centres and those that are in operation are closed. They also demand that the local councils promote popular consultations in which the expulsion of illegal immigrants is raised that are located in the municipality in question, in order to “reinforce security”.

In addition, they want the town councils to make statements of “that They do not support associations and NGOs that collaborate with human trafficking and illegal immigration mafias.” and promote illegal modifications to avoid fraud in the registration of illegal immigrants. In short, “reject the open-door policy to immigration encouraged and promoted by the PP and PSOE, the coalition in Brussels”, the text reads.

Vox blames the PP and PSOE for the “migratory invasion”, a phenomenon that, they claim, fosters “insecurity” and “puts economic stability, the financing of public services and the social rights of Spaniards at risk.”


Vox's newly appointed national spokesperson on immigration issues, Samuel Vazquez, has been responsible for presenting the municipal initiatives that are part of an “ambitious” long-term plan that the party will outline throughout the legislature. “Territorial measures are a first step”, he warns.

Vázquez, who regrets, in his opinion, “a state of criminal degradation never seen before” in Spain, is confident that they will be successful because he considers that what is proposed in the Vox motions “It is not a question of ideologies”, but of “protecting our children”.

The idea of ​​Vox is to force the PP to reflect on its immigration policies, and after the 'popular' president, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, has met with the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, to address the president's strict model in the transalpine country, which has managed to reduce the arrival of migrants by 60%.

Own Santiago Abascal positively assessed the meeting between Feijóo and Meloni and celebrated that he can “learn many things from her”. Sources from the Vox Executive, who celebrate that the meeting legitimizes its international partners who have been “demonized”, nevertheless believe that the Feijóo's rapprochement with Meloni is "pure rhetoric" and the PP does not align itself with Vox on migration issues. “Feijoo is afraid to talk about mass deportations,” they summarize.

Pacts in danger

In any case, Vox has already threatened to break the agreements signed with the PP more than a hundred municipalities, such as in Valladolid, Toledo or Alicante, if it perceives that its partners are not firmly opposed to illegal immigration, as it did in July with the executives of five autonomous communities.

Following the divorce in the regions, the Support from Santiago Abascal's party for the regional budgets was also ruled out. The leader of Vox himself clarified at the beginning of the political year that his formation will not support regional accounts if the PP does not change its discourse on migration, which they consider aligned with the PSOE.

Vox is willing to replicate this position in the municipalities in which it co-governs with the PP and does not support the municipal public accounts and, if necessary, abandons the executivesSources from the party's Executive Committee have warned the Popular Party members against continuing with current immigration policies, which they believe encourage the illegal arrival of immigrants.

Sources specify that Vox will not support municipal budgets if they include items for illegal immigrants and, ultimately, “are willing” to leave the consistoriesThey argue that this is a position consistent with their positions on the matter and stress that they will not accept violations of the signed agreements, which include measures against illegal immigration. “We are not afraid to leave”, they emphasize.

Abascal already threatened in July to break the agreements in the town halls if they “actively collaborated” in the distribution of accompanied migrant minors. At that time, he explained that the local councils were excluded from the breach of the agreements because the distribution of minors “does not directly affect” the town councils.

He wanted to clarify that the warning excludes those who "have no other choice because they are placed (on minors) by the autonomous community," but he specified that Vox would not take that decision “lightly”, but rather in a “serious and surgical” manner.

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